domingo, 11 de novembro de 2007

Vivaldi: As quatro estações (Verão)


Allegro non molto
Under a hard Season,
fired up by the SunLanguishes man,
languishes the flock and burns the pine
We hear the cuckoo's voice;
then sweet songs of the turtledove and finch are heard.
Soft breezes stir the air...
but threatening north wind sweeps them suddenly aside.
The shepherd trembles, fearing violent storms and his fate.

Para ilustrar este andamento escolhemos um dos maiores violinistas da actualidade, Pinchas Zukerman com a Orquestra Filarmónica de Israel.

Adagio e piano - Presto e forte
The fear of lightning and fierce thunder
Robs his tired limbs of rest
As gnats and flies buzz furiously around.

Para este segundo andamento escolhemos Nigel Kennedy e a Oruqestra de Camâra Polaca

Alas, his fears were justified
The Heavens thunders and roar and majestically
Cuts the head off the wheat and damages the grain.

Para este terceiro andamento escolhemos a Orquestra de Camera de Inglaterra dirigida pelo solista Gidon Kremer.

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